Sunday, December 18, 2011

and so it begins... again

It's been a while since I've done a blog post and it's been a while since I've gone out for a run.  I hit a point where I started to feel like I was only running because I felt like I had to and not because I wanted to.  It happens every now and then and sometimes you just need to take a break from it all.  I enjoyed a couple weeks off from training where I didn't do much of anything, which was nice, but now I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.  Another reason it's taken me so long to start training again is really just laziness.  I've even had days where I sat there wanting to run but never really stood up to head out the door.  It's the worse excuse ever, but if I'm honest with myself it's the only reason.  I had a Talk with Trey the other day and he really helped to motivate me.  Even though he kept claiming that "he can't motivate me and only I can motivate myself," he really did help me to get out the door again.  There are only a few people out there that understand me well enough to know how to motivate me and he is definitely one of them, so heres to you bro!

I went for a run today that ended up being a fairly light workout.  I had intended on going for three miles but about 8 minutes in I decided to make it and easy 2 miles.  It wasn't that I was suffering or that I didn't enjoy the run, it was just that I felt like 2 miles was enough and there really wasn't a need to go any further.  The more I thought about it the more I realized it didn't matter how far or how long I ran, just that I went out and ran.  I've been out of it for long enough that I need to rebuild the habit of going out and running.  I was happy afterwards and I'm hoping that if I take this one day at a time I can get back into the habit without to much difficulty.  On another note I've found a couple motivational pictures/saying and I'm going to share them from time to time when I feel the idea of the saying really fits well with my blog post so for todays I have the following: